Sunday, April 21, 2013

Backyard Hobby Farm: Spring 2013 - Patio

Colorado has seen a very warm spring this year, which has made it hard to stay indoors. We are antsy to start playing with plants and get to work on the backyard.

 Here is a current picture of what we have to work with:


As you can see, we have a lot of clay. It may not look like it from this picture, but we actually did quite a bit of work in the last year. We now have the framework set and are ready to see the visual transformations occur this year. 

The next big project on our list is getting the patio laid. 

Three weeks ago we were finally ready to start. We made sure we had time in our schedules, calculated what we needed, and ordered the brick. It was delivered a few days later and were ready to go. Until the bad weather set in. So we waited.

After a few sunny days, the snow melted and the mud dried. We were ready again! Two weekends ago we finally go our start. That Friday, Donnie dug the trench and completed the prep work. Saturday we worked all morning, took a break for lunch with family, and worked again all afternoon until after the sun went down. We were making progress! Sunday we woke up to chilly weather and up to 34mph winds. It was not a fun day to be working outside, but we kept at it. By that afternoon the retaining wall was finished and we were ready to add the layer of sand and lay the bricks. Then came the snow! So we waited, again.

This time the snow kept up for four days. There was no way we were going to work on the patio this weekend. It has now been warm for a couple of days, but it is still solid mud out back and we are expecting more snow tomorrow. So we continue to wait.

Here is what it looks as of last Sunday:

Hopefully we will be able to finish it next weekend, but mother nature may have other plans.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

"Life's a dance, you learn as you go.
Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow.
Don't worry 'bout what you don't know,
life's a dance, you learn as you go."

~ Life's a Dance by John Michael Montgomery